How many outlets can I enroll under one subscription plan?

How many outlets can I enroll under one subscription plan?

One basic subscription of just $10/month gives you two Spaces/Facilities/Outlets/Shops/Store, which could be at the same location or different locations. If you need more than two Spaces, you can setup any number of additional Spaces by paying just $5/additional Space per month.

Spaces could be defined as a 'Store' with its own brand, location, catalogue etc. Since a Space can have only one 'Catalogue', if you need an additional Catalogue for your existing Space, you will have to set up a new Space.
eg: A salon having two outlets would set up two Spaces. One for each location. Whereas, a restaurant with single outlet but having two different Catalogue Sets - say one regular menu and another Sunday special brunch menu would need to create to Spaces with one regular menu and the other with Sunday special brunch menu.